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Japan NEARLY Beat the US in WW2...
THE PACIFIC WAR - Japan versus the US | Full Documentary
When 2,500 Lost to 800 Marines - Japan's First Major Defeat of WW2
Why History Overlooks How Much the Japanese Actually Feared the Americans in WW2
Pearl Harbor: Japan's Only Chance To Knock Out The US | WWII In The Pacific | Timeline
How Allied Submarines Crippled Japan in WW2
Was Japan’s Defeat Inevitable?
The reason Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
German POWs in the US during WWII
Battle of Midway: How the US won over the Japanese Navy in World War 2 - Animated History
Japanese Lost Nearly All Their Aircrafts To America in a crushing Defeat in WW2 During Pacific War
WW2: The Pacific War And The Defeat Of Japan | History Documentary